5 Star Review

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Editorial Book Review:
By Marta Gil
In "Stepping Out of the Shadows: Naming and Claiming the Medial Woman Today" Roberta Corson powerfully explores the medial archetype, which mainstream culture has long misunderstood and undervalued. Corson encourages medial women to recognize and accept their unique and tremendous skills.
Medial women are unique and intuitive, seeing things that others cannot. They communicate with the unconscious through irrational visions, voices, dreams, images, and physiological experiences. Medial women move between the unconscious and conscious, the past, present, and future, the spiritual and material, and life and death. Their knowledge resonates with a universal truth they must communicate with their communities.
Corson elegantly describes how society's fear of the illogical and inexplicable has driven many women to hide their actual selves. Corson's pioneering and interesting book seeks to illuminate medial women and help them appreciate themselves.
"Stepping Out of the Shadows" inspires medial women who have been stifled by society to celebrate their talents. Corson's compassionate, wise prose allows readers to discover their own traits. Her wisdom inspires these women to recognize their talents and proudly share universal knowledge.
By highlighting the strength of media women, Corson encourages society to recognize their achievements. She argues for medial women's acknowledgment and empowerment using personal stories, cultural analysis, and philosophical thoughts. This book helps these women discover themselves and advances our understanding of intuition and the unconscious.
About the Author
Roberta Corson

Roberta Bassett Corson likes to be called Bobbie. She is a Medial Woman. She describes in her book more about what it is to be a Medial Woman as you read her book.
Love, gratitude and wonder are her life-blood. She feels blessed every day by the people in her family and life. She is passionate about gatherings of diverse people. She loves to hand-write personal letters. She needs trees. Her soul is fed by color and design. She “just know” some things in inexplicable ways. She is drawn to be with those who suffer. She listens to her dreams. She is compelled to create. She is not afraid of death. She believes in the Eternal Power of Love, which She calls God but is known by many other names.
This is some of the inward part of her. There is also an outward part.
She grew up in Palo Alto, in a medical family with three younger brothers. Her mother was a nurse who became a fulltime mother, and her father was a doctor who taught in the medical school. Her childhood homelife was grounded in practical values, love, honesty, and hard work, and for the most part it was stable. She played the violin from childhood well into adulthood, which always balanced-out the stress of life. They spent every summer exploring the wonders of nature at our cabin at Fallen Leaf Lake, near Lake Tahoe. Her brother and father both died from different diseases the year she graduated from college, which changed the lives of each in their family forever.
She has always loved going to school with the unique experiences each has offered. She earned a BA in English from Lawrence University, a MDiv from Pacifica School of Religion, and a Ph.D. in Clinical/Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She also spent a year in a program at The University of California San Francisco training as a hospital chaplain.
Theology class in seminary was the setting for meeting the love of my life, and they married within a year, now 54 years ago. They have two children and two grandchildren, and they worked as co-pastors in culturally diverse United Methodist Churches in Northern California for 35 years. As a private practice clinical psychologist, She has also enjoyed working with people in the depth of their psyches. Her husband and she are retired and enjoying the adventures that this time of life brings. They currently live in Saratoga, CA, between the Santa Cruz Mountains and Silicon Valley, which in its very location is a medial place.