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The Military Effect: Fifty Stories of Those Who Have Served

Updated: May 20

5 Star Review

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Editorial Book Review:

By Morgan Smith

Author Scott Manthorne's poignant book recognizes the courage, persistence, and steadfast spirit of veterans. Through fifty true and compelling anecdotes, Manthorne gives readers a unique perspective on the challenges and successes of transitioning from the military to civilian life.

"The Military Effect" stands out because it emphasizes how storytelling may foster understanding and empathy. Through the shared experiences of veterans, readers can get insight into the realities of military life, from the friendships formed on the battlefield to the challenges of reintegrating into civilian society.

Businesses and organizations who want to take advantage of the unique skills and qualities that veterans bring to the workplace could find the book helpful. Manthorne demonstrates the significance of veterans as leaders and workers in today's society by highlighting the connections, feeling of community, and camaraderie that are nurtured in the military.

And last, "The Military Effect: Fifty Stories of Those Who Have Served" is a must-read for anybody who wants to learn more about what it's like to be a veteran and the challenges they face reintegrating into society.

About the Author

Scott Manthorne

Born & raised on the coast of Maine, life was idealic, and all one could hope for. But the cold winters were not to his liking, and he ran off to Florida for college, thinking he never would return. A few years after the birth of his daughter he returned to the Pine Tree State. It’s where his ex-wife grew up, and where their child would be raised.

Yarmouth, Maine became his new home. It was there he was blessed beyond measure, becoming a youth sports coach in soccer & softball. Being beside his daughter until her last high school game on the softball field is a memory he will cherish for the rest of his life

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